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Sacred Page 11
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Page 11
"Cut it out, guys." Morgan cleared her throat. Sophie blushed, again, and leaned away from Tristan. When he kissed her like that, it made it hard to focus on what they were here to do.
Once everyone was untied, they crouched in a huddle.
"As soon as they open the doors, attack with everything you have. They took our weapons so it won't be much, but give it everything you've got. If Akeldama is bringing us somewhere, she's probably going to be waiting to demolish the Guardians once and for all," Ruth told them.
Sophie remembered Akeldama's smirk when they'd escaped on their ships. She had a feeling that the demon Queen had been a step ahead of them the entire time.
STATIC FILLED THE TINY SPACE. "This is Lord Cassius speaking. I wanted to inform you that we are very close to reaching our destination and your impending doom, and my exaltation and promotion. It has been very good to know you." The static clicked off.
"Is he serious?" Aidan raised a brow. Flames glowed underneath his skin.
A loud clap of thunder interrupted Demetri's next words. Lightning flashed in the windows. "A storm? Now?" Allison’s eyes widened as she looked out into the sky.
A pressure squeezed against Sophie's soul. "This isn't an ordinary storm. There's something about it that's familiar, but not in a good way." She pressed a hand to her head. "I think the drugs are affecting me. I can't remember."
"Give it a couple minutes and the drugs should wear off completely." The plane shook violently, and Allison grabbed onto a crate.
"This is not good," Rory yelled over another massive clap of thunder. The semi-darkness turned to full-fledged darkness as sinister clouds enveloped the plane. Aidan lit his hands to give them light.
A deafening crash pealed through the plane.
"We're going down!" Sophie couldn’t keep the panic from her tone.
"What are we going to do?” Kendra cried out when the plane dipped. Once it leveled out, she grit her teeth.
Sophie knew this couldn't be the end. They hadn't saved Lilli yet.
"Morgan, your teleporting." Demetri glanced at her. "I need you to do this."
Morgan's eyes widened. "I...I can't! I have no idea where I'm going!"
"Sophie." She jerked at Demetri's command. "Pull the island from the pilot's mind. Send it to Morgan, fast."
Sophie nodded. She shut her eyes, breathed deeply, and reached out with her mind. The plane dropped again. Her stomach joined her heart in her throat, but she fought to focus. The first pilot's mind was so full of fear and anxiety that she couldn't even glean his past. Her mind reached out to the second one. He had the same fear, but it had been tempered by the vodka he'd been drinking.
She searched for a few moments through his wedding, the loss of his wife to a cop, and his allegiance to Cassius. She wanted to shout with joy when blue waters and a paved runway shadowed his mind. A few more moments and she had all the information she needed. She pulled back to her body and thrust the information at Morgan.
The plane dipped into a spin.
"Do it, Morgan." Demetri shook Morgan, getting her to focus. "Guardians first."
Morgan's face was tinted green, but she nodded. "C'mon." She put her hands on Aidan and Jackson. "Hang on, guys. I'll be right back."
They were gone. Sophie huddled against Tristan and tried to calm her stomach. The plane plummeted toward the ground, and sheer panic shot through everyone. The force of gravity pushed her against the walls of the cargo area, and boxes bounced around. Sophie struggled to suck in air against the pressure in her chest.
Suddenly Morgan was there, grabbing Tristan and Sophie by the arms. Sophie felt a hard sucking sensation. When she opened her eyes, she was on the beach next to Tristan. Morgan immediately disappeared.
Sophie swayed. It took a second for her eyes to focus against the sun. Heat beat down on the sand as she righted herself. Her stomach churned, and her skin felt cold. "Whoa."
The storm was situated only around the plane, leaving the rest of the island sunny. That was when Sophie remembered the storm that Akeldama had conjured in their past lives to trap them in the Temple catacombs, the night they all died.
"Right?" Jackson stood and wiped his mouth and kicked sand over his vomit. "Sorry, my stomach couldn't handle it."
Aidan paced. "What if she doesn't make it back in time?"
Morgan popped back in. She deposited Kendra and Foster on the sand. In a flash, she was gone again.
Tristan helped steady Kendra. Sophie knelt in the sand next to Foster, who was still unconscious. "Foster, wake up." She shoved his shoulder.
"Here, let's throw some water on him." Jackson waved a hand and water floated off of the ocean. It glided over the sand, past Aidan's worried face, and hovered over Foster's motionless form. It squiggled in the air, rainbows forming inside it.
"That's pretty." Kendra cocked her head and watched it.
Morgan popped back in with Ruth and Rory, which interrupted Jackson's concentration. The water hit Foster in the face. He gasped for air and sat up.
Morgan dumped Allison and Casey. When Sophie turned around, she was gone. "Look." Sophie pointed up, she could see the plane now. "Only Demetri left."
Aidan clenched his fists and fire sprouted up his arms.
"She'll make it, Aidan," Jackson said.
Sophie held her breath. The plane plunged toward the far side of the island. It hit the mountains in the distance and her heart stopped. It exploded, sending a fire plume up. Aidan's mouth opened in shock.
"Oh, my god." Ruth clutched her brother. "Demetri."
"I'm here." The voice was weak and disoriented.
Ruth and Aidan spun around. The look of joy on their faces was identical.
Ruth leapt into Demetri's arms and kissed him right on the mouth.
"Well, it's about time," Allison wheezed.
Morgan's legs collapsed under her. She gulped in air. "I thought that was definitely the end."
Aidan moved to her side. "What were you thinking?!" He pulled her into a tight hug. "I thought I'd lost you."
Morgan stiffened at first, then closed her eyes and relaxed into him.
"I have to say that was awesome! She saved you in the nick of time." Rory slapped Demetri on the back.
"Cassius and the others were still on the plane, so we don't have to worry about them coming after us." Morgan took another deep breath.
Demetri straightened, his expression flattening. "We need to continue on."
Aidan shook his head, his eyes searching Morgan’s face. "She needs to rest."
"He's right. She's in no condition to move right now." Allison pointed out the paleness underneath Morgan's cappuccino-colored skin.
Demetri gave a quick nod. "Okay. We'll find shelter in the trees." He pointed to the tree line nearby. "Just long enough for her to gather her strength."
Aidan helped Morgan to a small outcropping of trees just inside the forest. She rested against one and he sat next to her.
"The plan?" Kendra plopped down.
"We don't have one. We've never been here before." Ruth watched the forest.
"No one's been here before." Foster corrected, "No one that's made it out alive anyway. Other than the Guardians in their past lives. We only know the layout of the city from books in the library."
"What good does that do us?" Jackson leaned against a tree nearby. "We're on the demon foothold and have no idea what's here."
"We have you, though. You and the others. You five are very determined to get Lilli back,” Demetri told him.
Jackson tensed. "Yes." The trees groaned when his power pushed out.
"Cool it, Jackson. You're giving me a headache." Not only that, but the island stirred emotions in Sophie that reminded her of her past life visions. Home, love, fear, hate.
"Sorry." Jackson closed his eyes and released his frustration.
"What do we know of the island in its present state?" Tristan placed a hand on Sophie's back.
She smiled weakly at him.
"Tell us what you know, Foster," Demetri turned to the librarian.
Foster rubbed the back of his neck. "It’s going to be dangerous. Higher-level demons like Akeldama and vampires use lesser demons to protect them. Commonly used lower demons are behemoths, Wendigos, Oni and, occasionally, imps. There are sure to be elemental demons and more of the wraith demons with which you're familiar."
"Question. What are those first four you spoke of?" Sophie wondered if she was the only one that didn’t remember some of the versions of demons they’d studied.
"Short versions? Oni are demons in Japanese lore. They resemble trolls with two horns on their heads and have red or blue leathery skin. Wendigos originated in Algonquian tribes and are basically humans turned cannibalistic. Behemoths are demons that closely resemble buffalo with two large tusks growing out of their mouths. Inside the palace are the vampires and higher level demons."
"Do you know in which order we'll meet these demons?" Ruth asked.
"No. There's not enough research to tell me that."
"Awesome, we’re walking into something that is most likely going to kill us." Aidan ran a hand through his hair.
"Shut up, Aidan," Morgan groaned.
Their comments brought a small smile to Sophie's lips. Morgan was beginning to sound like herself again.
"The palace sits at the center of the island, entombed by the city," Foster continued.
"We have no weapons," Kendra pointed out. "We were stripped of them back at Cassius' place."
"Are we going to give up because of that?" Demetri's expression hardened. "Our entire society was built to help the Guardians achieve their goal. Lilli could be in there."
"I agree with that. How much longer do you need?" Jackson stood, glanced at Morgan.
"I'm good. Let's get Lilli back,” Morgan said as she stood.
"Sophie, lead the way." Ruth stood and everyone followed her lead. "We need the fastest route to the city."
"Okay." Sophie took a deep breath. All she had to do was connect with the emotion and the energy of the island. She'd lived here once, right? She could do this.
No one moved as they watched her. She could feel their eyes on her. She hated being on display, worried about her vision now that they were actually in the place it occurred.
Sophie started toward the center of the island. She stalked through the brush, everybody trailing behind her. The humidity had sweat coating each of their clothes. The landscape changed from tree line to thick forest, and vines dangled from the barreled branches of soaring trees. Ferns covered most of the trails and they had to push them back to get by, opening cuts that bled against the fauna.
A little bit later, Sophie came to a stop. She bit her lip against the piercing pain in her head. "I have to stop for a second. There's so much hate and pain here." Much the same as when we were here lifetimes ago.
"Take a breath." Tristan rubbed her shoulders.
Pain exploded in her side as something hairy knocked her to the ground and jumped on top of her. Her head snapped back, making her vision blur. Two giant tusks covered her eyesight, and decaying breath washed over her. Sophie stuck her forearm against the creature's neck to keep it from her face.
Something warm and wet dripped onto Sophie's face, then ran down her cheek and neck. She saw Tristan shift into his werewolf form out of the corner of her eye. With one hand, he lifted the creature off of Sophie and slung it across the forest, several trees snapping under the hairy body.
Sophie quickly sat up. "There's more and they're headed this way." She swayed when the pain in her head sharpened.
Tristan picked her up and cradled her against his furry chest. We need to hurry.
“I can run,” she said.
"You need to focus on the right direction. Since you're connected to Tristan, he can steer us the correct way without you tiring yourself out." Demetri searched the trees behind them. "Go."
The sun slowly set behind them while they hiked through the forest. Somewhere close, several behemoths bayed in the background. The others kept their eyes on the trees, looking for any sign of movement. The oppressive humidity made their clothes cling to their skin.
"They're very hungry," Sophie warned as she felt the animals’ acute need to feed on something.
Rory picked up a large stick and swung it back and forth. Aidan stared at him. "What? We can't all have awesome powers like you."
"Take your shirt off."
"I thought you’d never ask," Rory said.
"Take your shirt off, you idiot. Rip it and give half to Ruth. Aidan's going to light it on fire for a weapon," Morgan snapped.
"Perfect," Rory said as he pulled his shirt off. Demetri and Casey followed suit, finding sticks and winding their shirts around the tips.
"Hurry up. They're getting closer."
Aidan lit the shirts. Sophie glanced at Demetri and barely held back a gasp. Wide white scars traveled down his back and chest, curving around his ribs.
The baying grew louder, and Sophie tore her gaze from Demetri. Tristan shifted her in his arms. She gave him a reassuring smile, and his yellow-green eyes shone down at her.
"It's getting dark. I'd feel better if we were out of the forest when the sun goes completely down." Kendra lifted her torch higher.
In Sophie's mind, she could see the walls that surrounded the palace and inner city. It wasn't far. As she thought it, a sliver of darkness edged into her mind.
A scream echoed through the air behind them and the group spun. "Allison!" Casey's voice boomed as he hefted his torch and ran toward her.
The tusks of the behemoth tore into Allison’s throat and blood spurted across the ferns she laid between. Her feet kicked as she tried to scream. Casey slammed the torch into the creature, and the smell of burnt hair rose in the air. It squealed and stepped back a few feet, dragging Allison by the neck.
"Let her go!" Ruth joined Casey.
Aidan's fire leapt up his arms and he charged toward the behemoth.
The creature's black eyes peered back at them, unafraid. As they watched it bit down on Allison’s neck, and the sound of bones crunching turned Sophie’s stomach. "No.”
Several more behemoths slunk out of the dark forest. They snarled and snapped at each other over Allison's still form. Their tusks gleamed in the torchlight.
"We need to go while they're distracted." Demetri pulled at Ruth. She hesitated. "We have to go," he repeated firmly.
As they left, Jackson put a shield up to keep the creatures from following. No one wanted to go, but knew they had no choice.
Kendra wiped at her wet eyes as she turned Foster around. Casey scowled, the look on his face saying the last thing he wanted to do was run away.
Sophie’s heart twisted as they left her there, but they couldn't do anything to help Allison now. Lilli was on this island, she knew it. They had to save her.
Following Sophie's directions, they ran hard through the forest. It didn't take them long to reach the wall. Tristan set Sophie on her feet but didn't shift back to human form just yet.
In front of the group stood an ancient gate covered in rust. One side hung off the hinges and swayed in the wind. The other miraculously stood firm. The stones that made up the wall were mismatched sizes and colors, like Akeldama had tried to replace some of them over the years. The wall stood at least nine feet tall and went around as far as they could see.
Night had completely fallen when they passed through the gate. A rush of recognition swept through Sophie when she spied the crumbling buildings covered in vines. The cobblestone street was just like her vision, and she shuddered.
"Look for a blacksmith logo on the buildings we pass. They may have weapons still," Demetri ordered.
Foster stepped around a rotting behemoth carcass, wrinkling his nose at the smell.
"I say we split up and look for weapons. We'll work faster that way." Cas
ey cracked his knuckles, jaw tense.
Demetri nodded. "We'll split into three teams. Sophie, Jackson, Casey, and Foster, I want you to take the left side. Morgan, Tristan, and I will take the middle. Rory, Ruth, Aidan, and Kendra will take the right. Each group will have at least one Guardian for communication. If anything happens, report through them."
"Yes, sir." Casey started off to the left. Sophie, Foster, and Jackson hurried after him.
Sophie wanted to protest being separated from Tristan but thought it would look suspicious. She didn't really want to explain her vision to the others. She was afraid they'd blame her for not defeating Akeldama.
Sophie couldn't stop staring at the rundown buildings and houses they passed. They towered over her, their ruins touching the sky. "I wish we could have seen these before the demons destroyed them."
"You did; you just don’t remember." Foster followed her gaze. "This city is reputed to be vast. I hope we can find the blacksmith's shop before we're attacked."
"Again." Jackson said as he watched the shadows. “Do you feel anything yet, Sophie?”
Sophie couldn't sense anything. Either the demons hadn't woken up yet, or they were really good at hiding. She desperately hoped it wasn't the latter.
Something crunched beneath her boots. She stopped and peeked to see what it was. Half of a dish stuck out of the grass that had grown between the cobblestones. She knelt down to look. "Foster, bring the torch."
He knelt beside her. With the light from the torch, she could see the detail etched in cobalt on the outer rim.
"What is it?" Casey stopped his search and looked at them. Jackson scowled, but remained silent.
"I just wanted to see..." Sophie reached out and pulled it gently from the grass. She traced the patterns that looked familiar to her. Voices crowded in the back of her mind. Her eyes closed and she focused. Whoever made this dish had been very happy, and Akeldama had ripped that happiness away.
She sighed and placed it back down. No clues as to the whereabouts of the blacksmith shop showed up.
"Let's keep looking." Casey moved his torch closer to a sign that hung from the wooden awning above them. "Foster. What does that say?"