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Page 10

  Rory yelled back for them to buckle in. Sophie was pushed back in her seat when the jet rumbled and then rose toward the sky.

  She closed her eyes. There was no way she'd get a nap in, she was too keyed up. They were so close to finding Lilli. So close to getting her back. She knew Jackson practically vibrated with the need to move, to do anything that brought him closer to her. Sophie didn't think about the fact that Lilli could be dead. She would've felt it if her best friend was no longer alive.

  Besides, they had to have all six of them to defeat Akeldama. If Lilli was gone, they were all lost.

  She spent the rest of the flight trying to focus her power, to center herself so that she’d be able to use it easier when they started their mission.

  Toward the end of the flight, a flash of hatred shot deep into her, like it had been hiding and was now shoved out into the open. Sophie glanced at Morgan because of their fight earlier, but all she felt from her was confusion and humiliation. When Morgan caught Sophie staring, she averted her gaze.

  So it wasn't Morgan. Who else would have a reason to hate on this jet? Her gaze traveled over the others. Foster had his nose buried in a book about Athens; Ruth listened to her iPod; Casey and Allison played chess; Demetri was in the cockpit with Rory; and Seline was passed out on the floor.

  Then it was gone, vanished like it had never been there. It rocked Sophie, the sudden absence of it. It had been so sharp, so dark.

  "Almost there," Rory yelled back. "The Society owns a small island outside of Athens so we'll be traveling over by boat tonight."

  "Finally. I hate being in cramped spaces," Casey’s deep voice rumbled. He stretched, almost knocking over the chessboard.

  Allison caught the board and started putting away the pieces. "If we could figure out how the portals work, we wouldn't have to use jets. We could be there instantly."

  "Or we'd end up somewhere we wouldn't want to be," Foster mumbled. He looked up from his book and blushed.

  "No, you're right. We have no idea where we'd end up." Ruth packed up her things. "It could be Hell, for all we know."

  The jet touched down on a runway located behind the Athens Manor. After a few bounces, it rolled to a stop. Sophie removed her death grip on the buckles and straps keeping her in place and tried to focus on the fact that they were in Greece. She’d never been out of her small town until she went to Boston, and then she’d gone to the island, and now another country.

  "Okay, kiddos. We're here." Rory winked back at them.

  They unloaded into the humid atmosphere.

  A woman, wearing coveralls and grease, ran up the runway. Her brown curls bounced when she stopped in front of Demetri, a wide grin splitting her face. "Demetri! I didn't think I'd see you again!"

  The woman was oblivious to Ruth as she smiled up at Demetri.

  "Hello, Kendra." Demetri barely spared her a glance. He turned his body toward Ruth.

  Kendra's smile lost some of its warmth as she looked at her. "Hello, Ruth."

  Ruth jerked her head in acknowledgement.

  "Well, I'm happy to see you, Kendra." Rory wrapped the petite girl in a hug. "How have you been?"

  "Good." Kendra slid out of his arms, leaving Rory with grease smeared across his clothes. "You've brought the Guardians with you?"

  "Yes." Demetri stepped aside, and Kendra saw the five standing together.

  "They're just kids," Kendra said with wonder. She walked past Demetri and came face-to-face with Sophie. "This girl isn't any bigger than I am. I could break her in half."

  Sophie arched an eyebrow. This little girl was going to criticize them? After what they'd been through?

  Kendra grabbed Sophie's arm. Tristan growled low in his throat, his eyes changing color swiftly.

  Kendra's eyes widened and she jerked her arm back. "My apologies." She shot a look at Demetri. "She didn't attack me outright so she must be the psychic. If you’ve been training them, I’m sure they’re ready. Anyway, let's get you settled in."

  The Athens Manor had Grecian style architecture, with pillars and statues of ancient gods along the porches. A great lawn with rows of olive trees led the way to the main doors. A massive pool was off to the side, the water glittering in the hot sun. They entered the manor, and Sophie was struck again by the beauty of the Society. Ancient shields and scrolls were prominently displayed in the hallways, and the floors were made of marble. She wondered if the gods of Olympus had lived like this. The people here wore much the same thing as their society, the tunics and leggings with leather boots, except these people had a pin of olive trees pinned to their shirts above their hearts.

  By the time the sun set, Demetri had the team set up in the conference room. "I want to make sure you're up to speed before we leave. There are just a few points I want to go over."

  Sophie paid attention to Demetri, but let her gaze wander around the room. Jackson's muscles coiled as he leaned over the table, eyes on the battle plan. Aidan and Tristan had twin expressions of seriousness on their faces. Ruth, Rory, Kendra, and Seline listened attentively while they checked their notes. Casey watched from where he stood. Foster tried to hide his shaking hands, but it didn't fool Sophie. He was nervous, but so was she. Something hovered in the back of her mind, but she couldn't figure out just what it was trying to tell her.

  "Greece is a foreign country. No one goes anywhere alone. We're not as familiar with the demon activity here like we are at home."

  "Our main goal is to capture Cassius. We have a strong belief that he is the last link to finding Lilli. Once we have her back, we can continue to destroy the Demoness. Jackson, do you want to describe the plan?”

  Jackson stood and went over his and Demetri’s battle plan with them. With that, Demetri gestured for everyone to grab their stuff.

  "Do you really think we'll find Lilli soon?" Aidan whispered to Sophie.

  Sophie closed her eyes. "We have to.” She didn’t say what else she wanted to say, that Lilli may not have longer to live.

  Tristan glanced at Sophie, his eyes shifting to yellow-green. "We'll get her back."

  Morgan stood to the side, but didn't say anything. Sophie missed her sassy comebacks, her playful banter with Aidan.

  They loaded into two boats. The moon hung in a crescent, hidden by a few wisps of clouds. Warm water from the ocean sprayed them when the boat sped up. Sophie fought back a shiver and listened to Kendra. "Cassius lives in a three story manor on the coast. We'll dock a mile away and walk to it. We don't want to give away our position." She shook the hem of her three-quarter sleeve black shirt and tried to gather some cool air against the heat.

  "No matter what, do not get separated," Demetri commanded. "We can't have another one of you kidnapped."

  "Yes, sir," Aidan said and leaned over to watch Athens grow closer.

  The city was lit up proudly and noise filtered over the water. Its atmosphere was full of hope and life, and Sophie wondered how that could be with Cassius siphoning off lives whenever he wished. She guessed that's what made humanity so special and worth saving. They went on living in spite of the death surrounding them.


  THEY DOCKED A MILE from Cassius' land. Sophie had a hard time concentrating while they walked along the streets. The tall, white, and ancient houses distracted her. Tourists passed them in the alley, and the good thing about the nightlife was that they didn't notice an almost-militia stalking the streets.

  Sophie's heartbeat sped up before they reached the street that would lead them to Cassius' manor. Darkness rippled out from the fifth house on the left. The street lamps weren't on, and the lights from the house didn't reach past the yard. A single leaf floated down to the pavement in front of them.

  "The aura of this house is so dark,” Sophie said and shivered.

  "Great." Foster's voice shook behind her.

  "What are we waiting for?" Seline's anxious eyes scanned the group. "Let's get in there."

  Jackson tensed, and Rory put a hand on his
shoulder. "We'll get her back."

  "Everyone keeps saying that." Jackson didn't relax.

  "Kendra, distract the guards." Demetri stared hard at the iron gates surrounding the yard. Faint growls of guard dogs carried on the wind. "Make it quick.”

  "Foster, Rory, you're with me." Kendra slid a dagger out of her belt. "Jackson, give us a lift?"

  Jackson squared his shoulders and planted his feet on the ground. Foster, Rory, and Kendra grabbed hands. The air shifted and swirled around the trio, and they fought to hang onto each other. Jackson raised his hands, face fierce with concentration, and lifted them over the gate.

  Face a little green from the ride, Rory flashed them a thumbs up through the fence when they got their feet under them.

  Sophie watched the trio disappear into the darkness of the estate. Something was off with the group left behind, but she couldn't figure out what. Before she could focus on it, Demetri spoke.

  "Ruth, Tristan, Aidan, Casey, and Jackson are going with me. We'll head in from the back. When the gate opens, Allison, Seline, Morgan, and Sophie, rush in the front. We'll block off their escape."

  Sophie nodded and drew upon her power to ready herself. The warmth glowed underneath her skin. Tristan threw her one last glance before he followed Demetri and the others.

  "Okay, girls." Allison cocked her gun. "Let's show the guys how to do this."

  Morgan stared blankly at the gate when Sophie walked up beside her. "I really am sorry, Morgan. Just in case we don't make it out of here alive, I want you to know that I never meant for any of this to happen."

  "I know." Morgan's expression didn't change.

  A few minutes later the gate swung open, inviting them into the darkness.

  "It's beautiful here." Allison swung her flashlight in a low arc, keeping the light underneath the windows. "Even with all the dark."

  Trees filled with pink blossoms lined the cobblestone drive that led to the manor.

  "Isn't this an oxymoron? This place doesn't go with demon,” Sophie said.

  The demon's place definitely qualified as a mansion. Each floor of the house was lined with balconies and floor-to-ceiling windows. Six pillars stood on either side of the main doors, small potted plants situated between each white cylinder.

  “Cabariel's house was more in line with demons than this one is."

  Morgan walked silently beside them, but Sophie noticed her eyes sharpen.

  "Seline, come on. We're going to kick the door in," Allison whispered behind them.

  Seline smiled weakly. The dark aura of the estate was pressing in on her, making it more difficult to breathe.

  The group climbed the stone steps to the door.

  “Something doesn't feel right,” Sophie told them.

  "Maybe Cassius heard we were coming. Maybe the Betrayer found out." Allison held her gun steady.

  Footsteps sounded inside, and they tensed. The door swung open, revealing a grim-faced butler.

  Something cold touched behind Sophie’s ear and someone grabbed her arm.

  "Get inside," Seline snapped. The full force of the emotions she'd been hiding swept over Sophie.

  "Seline, what are you doing?" Allison pointed her gun at the woman, and her expression was one of disbelief. “Are you insane?”

  "Shut up." Seline shook Sophie. "Get inside the house or I swear to God I will shoot her."

  Morgan's eyes narrowed, and she shimmered. Seline stopped her by pressing the gun harder against Sophie’s head. Sophie winced as she felt the cold steel digging into her flesh.

  "You, too, Guardian. The butler's inviting us in."

  Morgan solidified and looked at Sophie.

  "Don't look at her. I'm in charge now." Seline pressed the gun harder into Sophie's head.

  Allison held her hands up. "Fine. We'll go inside."

  The butler led them into the marble foyer, then through the house. Paintings of peaceful picnic scenes and beaches hung on the red wallpaper. After turning down a second hallway, Sophie watched the butler stop outside a pair of French doors. He pushed them open and stepped aside. Sophie stared at his blank face and wondered if he knew he worked for a demon. "Lord Cassius and Julius await you."

  "There's two of them?" Adrenaline flooded Sophie.

  Seline shoved her through the doorway. Sophie stumbled over a rug but managed to right herself in time to survey the mansion’s sunroom. Three of the four walls were glass. Palm trees and boulders were artfully placed across the hardwood floors.

  "Ah, you've brought the rest," a cultured voice spoke to her left. Sophie snapped her head to the side and saw an older man standing next to a bar. He was dressed in a black suit and necktie, and with his kind face and combed over gray hair, he looked like someone's grandfather. Next to him stood a boy of about seventeen who had shaggy brown hair and blood-red eyes.

  The butler shoved Morgan and Allison next to Sophie.

  "I'm so hungry."

  Cassius smiled down at the boy. "Oh, no. These belong to the Queen."

  Julius jutted his lower lip out and said in a husky voice, "I always do what you ask."

  "Stop." Sophie didn't need the image in her mind of the two of them wrapped around each other.

  Cassius turned his attention to her. "Lovely little girl, aren't you?" He set his drink down and gestured for Seline to bring them forward. It was only then they noticed the others bound and seated on the floor to Cassius's right.

  Tristan's eyes burned into Sophie while Seline bound her arms behind her back and pushed her next to him. Are you okay?

  For now, Sophie answered.

  Casey's body looked relaxed, but Sophie could see his muscles coiled and ready. His anguish and confusion over Seline ran through him.

  "It was you." Demetri, on a normal day, was cold. His voice was so frigid when he spoke that Sophie was glad his anger wasn’t aimed at her.

  The sense of betrayal piercing the group made Sophie’s skin run cold.

  "Betrayed you?" Seline gestured with the gun and her eyes grew wild. "You betrayed me! My husband died because of you!"

  "Your husband died because of them! You poisoned Tristan, you bitch!" Sophie struggled uselessly against her bindings.

  Seline's laughter shrieked. "I did. I sent that note to Morgan, as well. It was all so clever. She wasn't supposed to survive, of course, but you got there just in time, didn't you?" She rubbed her hands across her head, the gun scraping against her hair and her breathing grew ragged. "You couldn't be there in time for Nolan, could you? No! So I turned you over to the demons. They're going to give me my Nolan back."

  "They can't do that. Even if we hadn't cremated his body, they're not capable." Ruth said as she glared at Seline.

  "Yes." Seline's smile twisted. "Yes, they are."

  Julius stalked forward, his body transforming from little boy to scaled demon, and Sophie bit back a scream. His eyes focused on Seline, his pupils going wide and dark. As Seline moved back and forth in agitation, his head cocked to the side, reminding Sophie of a bird of prey. Within seconds, he pounced and tackled Seline to the floor. As razor-like teeth tore into her throat, Seline's eyes widened in surprise. Blood gushed from the wound, and Julius ignored her thrashing to greedily lick up the blood.

  Sophie closed her eyes at the sound of ripping flesh. Her stomach turned and she fought against the nausea that threatened to make her lose her latest meal.

  "Forgive Julius his lack of manners. He hasn't eaten in a few days." Cassius smiled like they were at a dinner party. "She actually thought we were going to give her the man. Let's forget about Seline, shall we?" He snapped his fingers and several demonic guards rushed in, looking remotely human. "Load them up. It's time."

  A demon approached Sophie. He pulled a syringe from his pocket, and she started to struggle. Before she had a chance to fend him off, he stuck the needle in her neck. She gasped when something chemical burned its way through her veins. Her eyelids grew heavy. The last thing she saw was Tristan looking at her, a need
le going in his neck, as she drifted off.


  "Sophie. Sophie, wake up." Someone nudged Sophie's shoulder.

  With a weak hand, she swatted at it and tried to remember where she was.

  "Sophie, wake up." They nudged her harder.

  She opened her eyes slowly, blinking against the semi-darkness. The low sound rumbling in the background steadily got louder. "What?"

  "Is she awake?" Demetri's voice came through the fog.

  "Yes." Allison's voice floated in the air around her. "She's suffering a little from the hallucinogens."

  Realization cut through the fog, and she remembered what had happened. She sat up quickly, her head spinning.

  Kendra leaned against Sophie to keep her from folding over. "Steady. Whatever they gave us takes a few minutes to fully dissipate."

  The floor vibrated and was cool beneath her legs. "Was I the last to wake up?" Sophie shifted so Kendra didn't have to lean.

  "No. Foster's still knocked out." Jackson pointed a chin over his shoulder.

  "Where are we?" Sophie asked as she searched for Tristan. He knelt next to her, his face grim. "I'm sorry I didn't figure it out sooner."

  Demetri leaned up on his knees and glanced out the single window. "We're in a plane. I see clouds."

  "We want to be prepared when we land. We can sneak away or fight our way off," Allison said.

  "I say we fight our way off," Rory growled. "Take them down for what they did to Seline."

  Beside her, Tristan shifted into something small, his binding falling away. Be still, Soph. I'm going to untie you.

  No problem. Sophie glanced to where Aidan merely heated up his hands. They glowed red-orange before he burned through the ropes. They fell to the floor, smoking, and then he did Rory's.

  "Get these off of me, idiot." Morgan held her hands out to Aidan.

  "Sure thing, Princess." He smiled tenderly.

  Sophie felt Morgan glow at the nickname. She watched the scars ripple on Morgan's face and wondered if Morgan would ever forgive her.

  Tristan finished and put a hand on the back of Sophie's neck, pulling her into a hard kiss.