Sacred Page 3
"Foster! Look out!"
He didn't hear Ruth's warning. He crashed into the cart, and books scattered across the floor.
"Foster...." The blonde sighed and helped him up. "Don't make me tell you to pay attention again."
Foster blushed and refused to look back at the Guardians.
Jackson leaned forward after Foster walked off. "I'm ready to do some research. Anything that will help us find Lilli."
Sophie nodded. She felt his happiness to actually be doing something proactive. "We're going to find her, Jackson." He sent her a weak smile, and again she wondered if he could feel their sibling bond from their past life.
Foster dumped several books on the table, making Sophie jump. "S-sorry."
He was gone before Sophie could acknowledge his apology.
Ruth picked up a heavy book with a thick leather covering. After she read the title, she handed it to Sophie.
It was a book on Akeldama. A shiver ran down Sophie's spine. She had to remind herself that being afraid of this book was ridiculous. They were looking for information. They were looking for Lilli. Swallowing her fear, Sophie turned to the first page and saw a crude sketch of Akeldama in her demonic form.
Sophie shivered again and read the description underneath:
Akeldama, Demoness, the Destroyer of Mankind.
Her hands shook, but she flipped the page. Here was a sketch of the priestess that Akeldama possessed in their previous life. The features were so familiar. A mixture of grief and anger filled Sophie at the image. Who was the priestess to cause such feelings?
While she went through the pages, reading paragraphs and skimming over others, a reoccurring theme popped up...death and destruction.
No one had ever defeated the Demoness. The Guardians couldn't even defeat her the first time around. Could they possibly do it this time? Were they somehow stronger than they were then?
Sophie's mouth went dry when she read the excerpt from a soldier's journal about the death of a five-year-old princess:
We found the body of the Princess Annabelle on the beach today. A messenger was dispatched instantly to her kingdom. As a soldier, I have seen many deaths, but none have affected me as much as the young girl we found. I write this not for pleasure, but so all may know the depth of evil this priestess will go. Murder is too tame a word to use. Princess Annabelle was slaughtered. I pray the innocent girl was dead before this torture was started. We only recognized her by the royal insignia on her necklace. The body was covered in cuts designed to draw out pain. Several of her fingers and toes were broken. Her eyes were gouged out and placed in the palms of her hands, which were folded over a gaping wound in her chest. Her heart was missing. We never found it.
Sophie slowly set the book down. An unbearable sadness squeezed her heart as a flash of the petite princess flitted through her mind. She could remember them playing some sort of game and the sound of Annabelle's laughter ringing through the halls of the palace.
"Listen to this." Sophie read the journal entry.
"That's harsh. She really did that to a five-year-old girl? I don't know why I just asked that, of course she did." Morgan's lips twisted.
"She's a very powerful demon," Ruth said.
The group hunted through several more texts. Most of the information they copied for everyone to read later.
"Most of the demons you'll face are the lower level ones that possess humans and use them for their uses. You've already faced wraith demons and vampires, so you know about those." Ruth held up a book. "This one has some of the more unique types, ones that are rarer, but you'll still face them. It's divided into sections based on the demon lore's cultural beginnings. I'll have Foster bring some of the in-depth books on each species."
Sophie started to feel a little lightheaded. There was so much information for them to learn, to memorize, to be able to face the demons. After scanning through some more of the books, it looked like there were millions of different species, each with their own ways to be defeated. When she glanced up, Tristan did too, and their eyes met. He gave her a small smile before turning his attention back to the book in his hand.
They didn't move until Foster ran up to them hours later. He stopped a few feet away and said, "F-forgive me. Ruth, I need to speak to you."
Ruth excused herself and walked over to Foster. They bent their heads and whispered.
Sophie watched Ruth stiffen and her face pale. Watched her struggle to keep the tears back.
"Something's wrong." Morgan glanced at Sophie.
Sophie kept her gaze on Ruth, not wanting to believe what was going on.
Ruth walked back over to them, her eyes hollow. "Nolan died."
Sophie was on her feet and at Ruth's side before she finished the sentence. "Are you okay?"
Ruth shook her head, waving away Sophie's hand when she went to put an arm around her. "I have to check on Seline. You've studied enough for now. You should get some sleep."
"What about...." Jackson trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sophie knew he wanted to ask how much time this would take off of finding Lilli but thought better about it.
"The funeral won't be tonight." Ruth took a deep breath. "Just return to your rooms. Training starts early tomorrow."
They watched her walk away before turning to each other. The librarians kept stealing glances at them, and Sophie wanted to snap at them.
"Seline's really going to hate us now." Tristan stood behind Sophie, his hands on her shoulders. She soaked in his warmth and tried to relax some of the tension tightening her chest.
"He died trying to help us escape." Morgan's voice wobbled and she paused. "I don't want to feel guilty over this."
"Something tells me we don't really get a choice of how many people do or don't die for us, Morgan." Aidan's amber eyes shone with sympathy. "We just get to choose to fight to save others."
It took everything Sophie had to keep the tears at bay. His statement had brought back the sharp grief of Todd's death and Lilli's kidnapping. These were always intertwined in her mind now. The library, the Manor, the entire island disappeared beneath the waves of despair rolling over her.
"I'll s-show you to your rooms," Foster said as he led them out of the library.
"I don't think I'm going to be sleeping any time soon." Sophie bit her lip to stop herself from snapping at the people who stopped in the hallways when they approached. Didn't these people have anything better to do? When they reached their rooms, Foster bowed and left them.
Morgan shook her head, her tight curls moving with it. "Boys, you go hang out. We need some girl time."
Sophie wanted to tell Morgan no but realized that when she and Tristan hung out, Morgan had no one to talk to. Well, she had Aidan, but Sophie knew Morgan wouldn't admit to seeking him out.
It's okay, Tristan. Jackson needs you now, anyway.
Tristan nodded. "Let's go see if they have a gym, guys."
"Yeah, okay. I need to change first." Jackson disappeared into his room.
"I guess that means I need to do that, too." Aidan stared at Morgan for a minute before he turned around.
"If you need me, just let me know." Tristan ran a hand down Sophie's arm.
"She'll be with me, lover boy." Morgan rolled her eyes and steered Sophie into the room. She surveyed the décor. "White and gold? Mine is white and silver. They must really want to impress us." Morgan kicked off her shoes and lay across the bed on her stomach.
Sophie just stared, her mind blank. She'd never actually hung out with Morgan on her own. Before Lilli was kidnapped, the only time she'd been alone with Morgan was during training. Not a lot of time to talk. Truth was, she didn't want to come up with small talk. She wasn't sure she could.
"Why do you look like a deer caught in headlights?" Morgan shifted and her curls spilled over her shoulder. Her blue eyes mimicked the deer she spoke of. When Sophie didn't smile, she asked, "Are you okay?"
Sophie managed a shrug. "I guess." Not really, she though
"Do you think Jackson will be okay?"
"Not unless we get Lilli back."
She wasn't sure what to do with herself. There was only one place to sit, the bed, so she reluctantly crossed over and balanced on the edge.
"Jesus, Sophie. I'm not going to claw your eyes out. Get comfortable. Right now, the way I see it, Lilli is gone so we're the only girls we have. No other girl is going to understand the powers or the responsibility we have. Or the guys we have around us."
Sophie let out a breath, forcing herself to relax. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." She tugged at the end of her ponytail. "This has been so crazy. We didn't exactly get along when we first met."
"You did get on my nerves."
Sophie glared at her. "Okay, I got on your nerves. But you're right. We've been through enough that we can attempt to be friends."
Morgan snorted.
Sophie settled onto the bed, searching for something else to say. "Have you been sleeping?"
"Not really." Morgan looked down at where she toyed with the blanket on Sophie's bed. "I keep seeing the time Akeldama attacked me in the Dean's office. Over and over. Sometimes I don't make it out."
At the buried sound of despair in Morgan's voice, Sophie placed an arm around her shoulders. Morgan had been so strong, so sure of herself, except in that moment. Sophie understood how she felt. Akeldama could strike fear into the devil himself. She also understood Morgan just revealed something about herself she probably wouldn't have told anyone else. Maybe they could be friends, true friends, and not just people caught up together in this mess.
"When I was stuck in that cell, Akeldama came to talk to me. She showed me her power, strangled me with it, before she made the oath that prevented her from hurting us. If she hadn't wanted us to die by human hands, I'd have been dead in less than a heartbeat." Sophie looked her in the eyes, determined that Morgan see her own bravery. "You escaped. You fought back, and you made it out. That is so brave. You are a fighter; don't forget that."
Morgan's tears dried. The determination was back in her eyes. "We'll kill her for what she's done. For your brother and for Lilli."
SOPHIE WALKED THE HALLS of the Manor with mists swirling around her. The eerie dark made it hard to maneuver. Had she been to training already, or was she on her way? Sophie shook her head slightly, a pain arcing through her head when she tried to concentrate.
The skirt of her white dress flowed around her ankles when she stopped to see which way she needed to go. She choked on panic. An endless array of hallways greeted her, all with the same staircase leading to the next floor. Sophie took a breath, trying to keep her panic at bay. She failed. Something whispered behind her and she jumped. Her feet propelled her into a frantic run. She chose the hallway to her left, not caring where it took her, and flew down the stairs.
Akeldama's laughter taunted at her heels. The Demoness hunted her, haunted her, making sure she didn't escape.
Sophie turned down another hallway. The thick darkness closed around her. Her lungs constricted. A scream echoed, high-pitched and agonizing, and Sophie jumped again. It sounded like Lilli. Sophie’s muscles bunched, her fight-or-flight reflex kicking in.
The laughter grew louder, sounded now like it was right behind her. She clamped both of her hands over her ears. "Stop," she whispered desperately as she took off again, turning left, then right. "It's all the same."
A light shone ahead. She ran toward it, the laughter dogging her steps. There, she found the brightly lit room. It had none of the mists plaguing the hallway. Sophie breathed a sigh of relief to find that the room also held silence. No laughter reached her ears here.
A giant mirror hung over the crackling fireplace.
She spun around, hoping to spy someone else in this lonely place. Maybe they could help her find a way out.
"Sophie..." the voice insisted.
"Where are you?"
"Look in the mirror," the voice said softly, the tone sliding over her skin like warm honey, sounding dark and dangerous. She wasn't comfortable with the fact that she almost liked it. "Just look in the mirror."
Sophie debated before she crossed to the mirror. She peeked in and saw a male, who was shadowed enough to where she couldn't see the main details of his face. "Either I'm secretly a guy, or you're something else entirely."
"Oh, I'm something else." The smugness in his tone irritated her.
Sophie crossed her arms over her chest, her patience wearing thin. "What do you want?"
"I guess you're out of the question?"
Her eyes narrowed. "Definitely."
"Very well. There is someone in the Manor betraying you. A mole, so to speak, who is giving out information to the demons."
"Is that what you are? A demon?"
His head inclined in a small nod, the shadows still hiding his face.
"Why would you care if someone was betraying us? Wouldn't that help you?"
"I have my reasons to help you."
"And those are?"
"I can't tell you."
Sophie snorted. "Of course you can't. Tell me who it is then."
"So impatient. I also have another tidbit of information for you."
Sophie arched an eyebrow.
"I know how to kill Akeldama."
"Right. And you're just going to share this with me?"
"There is a dagger still hidden in the heart of the palace you once lived in as Sofrina. If you don't believe me, there is a book, long forgotten and deep in the library storeroom. It will confirm what I've told you."
"Who's the mole?"
A row of white teeth gleamed at her. "Very well. The mole is right behind you."
Sophie turned her head to look.
She sat straight up in bed and shoved a hand through her hair. She'd almost had the answer, almost saw who the betrayer was. Assuming the demon wasn't lying. Even as she thought that, the residual cobweb feeling against her skin told her it hadn't been just a dream. More disturbing was the fact that the demon had reached her subconscious here.
Open up, Soph. We have to leave for training, Morgan insisted.
Sophie heard her knocking and threw back the covers. After she opened the door, Morgan came in wearing the training clothes: a pair of leggings, a white shirt, and boots.
"Get dressed." Morgan dug through Sophie's closet and tossed her the clothes.
Sophie didn't want to let on that she was nervous about changing in front of Morgan, who had an amazing body, so she stripped quickly and dressed even faster. "What happened with us going to the funeral?"
Morgan shot her a look. "Seline didn't want us there. Demetri decided against letting us go."
Sophie frowned as she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her boots on. "I guess we really don't have a choice whether we go or not."
"Nope. Let's go." Morgan slung the door open.
"In a hurry?" Sophie asked as they met the others in the hallway.
"Demetri said to meet him and Ruth at the base of the stairs," Jackson told them.
Sophie ran her gaze over the group. They were finally somewhere approaching safe, but it didn't look like any of them were sleeping well. How could they when Lilli was missing and the fate of the world rested in their hands?
This early in the morning there weren't a lot of people about, so the scrutiny was minimal. Demetri and Ruth waited at the base of the stairs, each dressed in their workout clothes.
Sophie spotted a warrior and decided she needed to find out if the dream-vision was telling the truth. If she didn't check it out, and it ended up being real, she'd never be able to forgive herself. She reached the bottom, telling the others she'd be right back and approached the warrior.
When he saw her, his eyes widened and he bowed. "Guardian."
"Hi. Um, you can stand back up." She waited on him to straighten before she asked him to find Foster and relay the message. "This stays between the three of us for now."
/> He nodded, "Yes, milady."
Sophie tried not to cringe when he called her that. "Thanks." She jogged back over to the group but waved away their questions. She didn't want to get their hopes up if it didn't pan out.
Demetri and Ruth led the way to the gym, which was in a building outside the Manor. The moon was still in the sky as they crossed the path. Humidity hung thick in the air, and Sophie was glad she’d pulled her hair up. They saw a few people outside, what looked like farmers and blacksmiths, before going inside.
The gym was massive and had several rooms. Several boxing rings were to the left and mats to the right. Upstairs was another level with the weight and cardio machines. Many people were already inside and stopped what they were doing when Sophie and her team stepped in.
"This is a gym." Aidan smiled when he saw the concrete room. "For me?"
"Yes. We'll all use that to work with the Guardians' training. Away from prying eyes," Ruth said.
Jackson looked around, spotting punching bags and the ring. "Will we get to spar with the other warriors?"
"If you don't use your powers." Demetri started walking toward their room, and the others followed.
Sophie started to feel nervous. She hadn't really used her training from Boston after the murder of her brother. Would she remember it here? Or make a giant fool of herself? Ever since she learned what being the Light Keeper meant, she'd lost her growing confidence.
The concrete room looked similar to the one at the cathedral, except it only had a door, not a viewing window, and was considerably larger. At least they weren't going to be on display. There were a few different sections so that all of them could train without getting in each other's way.
"We're going to start with refreshing your memories on hand-to-hand combat. Your powers are great, but we want to make sure that if there ever was a case where you couldn't use them, you still knew how to defend yourself." Ruth handed them each boxing gloves, helmets, and mouth guards.
"We're going to look like we're in the MMA." Aidan whooped before taking the gear and putting it on.
"We didn't use all this when we trained before," Jackson said as he pulled his on. He moved side to side, but Sophie could feel the way his brain was working. He was trying to figure out a strategic way to find Lilli.