Sacred Page 13
"What is that?" Ruth pulled a sword out and held it in front of her.
"It's the Oni!" Foster cried out.
"Guardians, inside the palace now! If Lilli is there, find her. Foster, Rory, go with them and find that damn dagger." Demetri nodded toward the palace doors.
Sophie glanced at Morgan. Jackson was already halfway to the doors. They ran after him, followed by Aidan and Tristan. The palace doors creaked as Jackson shoved them open. When they stepped inside, Morgan sneezed.
Dust caked the floor of the giant lobby and statues, a colossal staircase led to the next floor, and the carpet that once graced the stairs was now riddled with holes and smelled like mothballs.
The aura of the palace was unquestionably death. Pictures hung crooked on the walls, the glass cracked and broken. An eerie wind blew through the halls, brushing against faded and threadbare tapestries.
Sophie stood still and let her mind thread through the palace. The vampires, still asleep in their rooms, were the first thing she sensed. Her heart constricted when she felt one that was familiar, but she couldn't place who it was. She reached further, scouting the halls and floors. Several demons played dice in an upstairs ballroom. Feminine laughter traveled down from an upper level.
After a few minutes she said, "I can't sense Lilli."
Jackson turned at the sorrow in Sophie's voice, his expression falling.
"Maybe you shouldn't be looking for Lilli, per se. You should try looking for anything that is the opposite of this place. Innocence, love, laughter. Anything that isn't filled with evil thoughts,” Foster suggested.
"We should split up again. Foster and Rory can go look for the dagger." Sophie glanced at the hallways on either side of the staircase.
"Okay. Morgan and I will check downstairs. You three go up." Aidan pointed to the staircase.
Sophie, Jackson, and Tristan headed up the creaking stairs. The further they walked, the more coldness shrouded them. Oil lamps flickered along the hallway.
"This place looks like a house from an Alfred Hitchcock movie." Sophie walked closer to Tristan. His body heat and fur warmed her a little. Half of her mind focused on Lilli, and the other half on her end-of-days vision.
"Do you sense anything?" Jackson peered through a few open doorways. The rooms were empty.
Sophie shook her head. She sensed nothing but evil and hatred. She hoped that Lilli was still alive and on the island. Akeldama had been several steps ahead of them the entire time. This could be an elaborate set-up, and Lilli could be anywhere.
In the back of her mind, Sophie felt the stirrings of awakening vampires as they continued. "The vamps are waking up," she said, and then sent a warning to Aidan and Morgan.
Behind them, footsteps shuffled. Something snarled.
Sophie pivoted and saw what made the noise. Three creatures stood tall, skin pulled tight over their emaciated bodies. Their arms and legs were skeletal, and they smelled like death. One licked his gaunt, colorless lips.
"They must be the Wendigo," Jackson said. He and Tristan stepped in front of Sophie.
She was annoyed that they protected her but swallowed her pride when the Wendigo advanced.
Take Soph and find Lilli. I'll catch up with you.
Sophie's gaze shot to Tristan. "I'm not leaving you here."
His yellow-green eyes met hers. You have to. I'll catch up.
Jackson pulled her arm. "C'mon."
Sophie frowned but went with him down the hall. The sound of Tristan's growls haunted her as she walked away from him, and her heart broke with every step. What if her vision came true? What if she had done nothing to stop it from happening?
She almost ran back to Tristan but stopped when she saw a symbol painted on the wall. It nearly brought her to her knees.
"What is it?" Jackson glanced between her and the design.
Sophie stared at the symbol, her heart pounding. The last time she'd seen it, it was carved into her brother's chest.
She hesitated to touch the symbol, but she knew she had to. She reached mind and hand out. Behind the symbol was darkness. In the darkness, a small ray of innocence sparked.
"Here, Jackson!" Sophie gestured to the symbol. "She's behind this wall."
They started searching, fingers flying over the wall, looking for a crack, anything to signal there was a secret passageway. Jackson shoved a small table out of the way. The little statue on the table crashed to the floor.
Sophie slid her palms along the wall. "Do you think there's an opening somewhere else?"
"The symbol's right here. It would be strange for it to be somewhere else."
Sophie pursed her lips and kept searching.
A few minutes later, Jackson found the switch hidden along the molding. "Here, help me." Jackson pressed on it.
Sophie leaned all her weight against it and pressed hard with both her hands. They heard a click. The wall slid open to reveal a stairwell that wound down into the darkness.
"Ready?" Jackson looked back at her.
Sophie nodded. I think we've found Lilli. Tristan's going to need your help. He's fighting the Wendigo in the hallways.
Aidan answered first. We're on our way.
A steep, narrow staircase led down into the dark. Sophie reached out her arms and touched the walls to steady herself. Instantly, the essences the demons left spoke to her. They swirled up her arms and into her mind—flashes of Lilli being dragged down the stairs, her screams, Akeldama's laughter, and something else that her mind blocked out.
Her sudden intake of breath alerted Jackson. "What is it?"
She could barely make out his outline when he stopped. "We have to hurry."
He picked up the pace and, after a few seconds, they reached the bottom. "There has to be a torch or something around here," Jackson said. He stepped onto the floor and torches lit up, one by one, around the room.
Sophie followed him, and her brain couldn’t quite process what she saw. "Oh, my god."
Jackson's face paled. He took a step forward, hesitated for a split second, then rushed across the room.
We've found her. Sophie had to keep herself from shouting into their minds. Her heart started pounding when she saw Lilli's chest rise slowly.
Lilli lay slumped against a wall, her wrists chained above her. One eye was swollen shut, and blood dripped from her mouth. Welts and dirt covered her body underneath the tattered white nightgown she wore.
Jackson repeated Lilli's name over and over. He crouched down and touched her face. His fingers barely brushed her cheeks, like he was afraid he would hurt her. She moaned, and her eyes fluttered open.
Sophie hunted desperately in the dusty drawers and shelves for a key. She knocked over bottles that shattered when they hit the floor.
"I've got it." Sophie crunched the glass under her boots and she skidded to a stop beside Jackson. She sensed Jackson's essence surround Lilli, cocooning her in warmth and safety.
"Unlock her." Jackson's eyes were wet. Sophie pretended not to notice.
When Sophie touched Lilli's arm, visions of what had been done to her slammed into her mind. She saw the demons dressing Lilli in this nightgown for a ritual of her purity. Sophie pushed the visions away as she unlocked Lilli’s wrists.
Is she alive? Is she okay? Morgan asked.
Yes, but she's in bad shape.
Why isn't she healing herself? Tristan asked.
Sophie cocked her head at the question. I don't know. We'll figure it out once we get her out of here. She froze when she smelled death and graveyard dirt.
Jackson stood slowly. "Guard her."
Sophie scrambled over to Lilli and wrapped her in her arms. She spied the three Wendigo blocking the staircase.
They stood stock still, eyes staring across the space at Sophie and Lilli. Their hunger choked her. It consumed them. Controlled them.
Jackson wasted no time in mounting his defense. The shelves and drawers around the room started to rattle, and the shards of glass and broken wood
levitated off the floor. He shot the Wendigo with them.
They roared and blackened claws burst from the ends of their fingers.
Sophie blocked Lilli from their anger. She was barely conscious and Sophie didn't want her to feel them near her.
One of the creatures swiped at Jackson. He rolled back on his heels and kicked out his right leg. He managed to knock one of them down, but before he could move away, the other two were on him.
Jackson needs your help now! Sophie shot out. She winced when one of the Wendigo tore into Jackson's arm, and he grunted in pain.
She didn't have a lot of time before the Wendigo tore Jackson to shreds. She focused on one of their minds and pushed sharply. Its mental walls gave easily.
The Wendigo she controlled turned to his brethren. It attacked viciously, cutting into throat and chest muscles.
Jackson moved backward, cradling his left arm.
Jackson! Do something! Sophie nudged him. Her Wendigo was losing ground. Her control over him snapped when one of his brothers bit into his shoulder.
Using his good arm, Jackson sent a mental wave that hit the three Wendigo. They sprawled backward into Tristan's furry arms as he came down the steps. He pushed one up the stairs, then turned to the two in front of him.
Sophie felt fear pierce the Wendigo's hunger as Tristan advanced. Tristan's muzzle drew back and revealed a set of sharp teeth.
Tristan, hurry. They're wounded, but very hungry.
Ever so slightly, he nodded.
Morgan shimmered into visibility next to Jackson. She helped him stand and walk to Sophie and Lilli.
Tristan grabbed the two standing in front of him by their emaciated necks and squeezed. They fought back, arms and legs struggling against his grip. A nauseating crunch sounded through the room as Tristan crushed their necks.
He averted his face when a wave of heat wafted from the stairwell. Seconds later, Aidan stood at the base of the stairs, a smudge of black soot on his cheek. "Let's get out of here."
"The vampires. They're closing in on us,” Sophie warned.
Jackson froze and shifted Lilli in his arms. Warily Sophie eyed the winding staircase.
Tristan went up first. For the size of his feet, he made no sound when he moved.
"Aren't we on the vampire's floor?" Morgan asked as they climbed.
"Yes," Sophie answered.
The ugly vampires filed out into the hallway. The beautiful ones were still waking up. Tristan, they're out of their rooms. Sweat broke out on her palms. The vampires were unnaturally drawn to her aura because of the Light, and it freaked her out.
Tristan's werewolf head inclined. Are there any vamps near us? Tristan paused just inside the opening.
No. They're still further down.
They snuck into the hallway. Sophie turned and saw that the Uglies were investigating the remains of the Wendigo that Tristan had gotten his hands on.
They crouched over the bodies, snarling at each other. Matted and stringy skin hung from their misshapen heads. Boils and sores covered their gnarled hands and bodies.
A few began to realize something smelled sweeter than the bodies on the ground, and looked behind them.
WE NEED TO HURRY. They just let everyone know where we are.
Aidan moved in front of Jackson and Lilli. The Uglies ran at them. Aidan twisted his arm behind his back, a fireball forming over his head.
Sophie tensed. The vampires passed the grand staircase and came closer. Their skin looked like it had been boiled in the sun for too long. The smell of rotten flesh made her gag.
Aidan sent a fireball at them when they were only a few feet in front of him. Three of the Uglies caught on fire. Their comrades slid to a stop behind them, eyes wide.
More of the Uglies came up the stairs and from bedrooms.
"Take her." Jackson passed Lilli to Sophie. He turned to face the vampires that hobbled up. Venom dripped from their fangs, and they stared hungrily at them.
Sophie leaned against the wall. Lilli was a petite girl, but being dead weight made it harder to hold her up. She stirred slightly and moaned when Sophie slid down the wall to sit on the floor. It was a helpless position, but there wasn't much she could do without leaving Lilli alone.
The number of vampires doubled. They surged up the stairs and surrounded the group, then stood still, watching, their gazes dead and hungry at the same time.
"Morgan, take Sophie and Lilli somewhere safe." Jackson's eyes were trained on the vampires. They stood still, but the mass seemed to writhe and coil.
Morgan moved to touch Sophie's arm.
"No!" Sophie wrenched her arm away. Morgan drew back in surprise, her mouth twisted. "We can't get separated." Sophie was aware of the hysteria in her voice.
"They're going to attack any second." Morgan frowned and dragged a hand through her curls. "God only knows why they're not attacking now."
Sophie still didn't let Morgan touch her. "I had a vision. Just trust me, please. We can't get separated."
"Fine." Morgan sighed. "If we all die because you didn't want us to split up again...."
Sophie jerked her head. No matter what they did, she knew they might not make it out of this alive because Akeldama was here, and Sophie felt like the demoness had planned it that way. There was more going on here than just rescuing Lilli.
The hunger roared into the Uglies and they attacked in a frenzy. Fangs and claws glared. Despite their uneven gaits, they were fast.
Sophie heard their whispers in her head.
Beautiful. Bright. Succulent.
She shut her eyes to block them out, but they kept getting louder.
Tristan howled, and the haunting sound drowned out some of the whispers. He grabbed the two Uglies closest to him and slung them over the banister. They fell two stories to the bottom.
Several more leapt at him. Tristan roared and slashed at them to keep them at bay. Sophie prayed he wouldn't get bitten.
Jackson picked up an old vase that sat on a small table in the hall. It was grimy and covered in dust. He smashed it against the wall, and several pieces fell to the floor. With the force of his mental push behind them, the pieces easily cut through the Uglies necks, decapitating them.
"Aidan!" A set of blackened fangs descended toward his neck. Morgan teleported to his side and shoved him. He stumbled over to the banister and swiped the blood from his mouth where it had hit the wood. "Look out!" The same fangs were about to pierce her neck.
Morgan wrapped both her hands around the vampire's head and flipped him over her shoulder. She chopped her hand down at his jugular, and Aidan scorched his body until there was nothing but ashes.
Sophie watched the vampires heave and swell forward. Every time one was cut down, several more replaced it. Her friends fought hard, but it looked like a lost cause.
With her anger building, she started to glow. Her skin illuminated to a soft golden radiance. The vampires noticed instantly.
Each vampire stopped moving and stared at Sophie as she sat on the ground with Lilli in her arms. Their whispers rose in her mind in nasty waves.
Sophie, stop glowing! Tristan growled at the Uglies who stood still, eyes glued to her.
Sophie blinked and tried. I can't. Her skin was warm and tingly. She could feel the pull of the Light; it wanted her to surrender. She fought against the desire to give in.
One of the vampire's heads exploded. Chunks of fetid skin sprayed the others.
An arrow speared into the wall next to Tristan. He growled at it.
"Stop standing there and attack!" Demetri's voice rose above the confusion.
Aidan created a wall of fire. He moved his arms and pushed it toward the Uglies closest to him. The smell of burnt flesh thickened around them.
Jackson tossed one of his hand-made blades to Morgan. She shimmered in and out, hacking off heads. Jackson used them like boomerangs.
Even as their brothers and sisters were being cut down, the others staye
d immobile, eyes still fixated on Sophie.
Keep it up, Soph. Morgan attacked feverishly.
As if I could turn it off. Sophie glowed brighter.
Demetri and his team came up the stairs. He pushed a few of the Uglies back toward Casey and Ruth. When he reached more, he used his sword to decapitate them.
Sophie saw that Casey had three deep gashes in his chest and across his back. Ruth favored her left leg, and her lip was busted. Kendra came last, covered in blood that Sophie hoped wasn't hers. Demetri's left arm hung limply at his side.
Sophie guessed that the battle with the Oni hadn't been easy. At least her friends were still alive. When she noticed Rory and Foster hadn't rejoined them, she reached out with her mind. She located them in an underground forgotten chamber. She hoped they'd found the dagger.
Within minutes, Demetri severed the head of the last vampire. "Aidan, torch the bodies. I don't want any of them getting back up."
"If you hadn't started glowing, Sophie, I don't know what we would've done." Aidan wiped his brow. As he set fire to the corpses, bruises formed on his skin.
"We need to find Foster and Rory and a way off this island." Demetri took the stairs down two at a time.
"Morgan, can you take us?" Jackson walked over to grab Lilli.
"There's no way to teleport all of us off. I really have no idea where we are."
Jackson's lips tightened. "Was worth a shot." He stopped in front of Lilli and his face softened. Gently, he scooped her into his arms, and she settled her head on his chest.
The others headed down the stairs, but Tristan waited for Sophie. You're only going to attract the other vampires and demons with the Light. His eyes were solemn.
She wondered how much more solemn he would be if he knew her vision. Sophie's heart squeezed at the blood caked on his fur. Was it his?
They neared the bottom of the stairs. Sophie could hear Foster's excited voice talking to Demetri.
"We've f-found it." Foster held out the dagger wrapped in a grubby cloth.